Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Our Wedding Vendor So Far

Fyuh..finally updating this blog.

It’s been an exhausting month at office. But since wedding prep is my pleasure between all these crazyness, I’m not gonna ruin this post by talking about work :D

Btw, tomorrow is Eid al-Adha. So first of all, I would like to say Happy Eid al-Adha for those who celebrates (including me :D). Hopefully our qurban will be useful for others, well distributed, and most importantly accepted by The Creator.

Back to the topic. We almost have chosen all of our wedding vendors. Here are the list (including venue and catering as I have mentioned and reviewed in my previous posts):
1.       Venue: Gedung Pewayangan Kautaman, TMII
2.       Catering: Puspa Catering
3.       Decoration: Sulthan Decoration
4.       Videography: Ancaleksmana Videography (video only)
5.       MUA: Miarosa
6.       Entertainment: Revi’s Entertainment
7.       MC: Mbak Indra Utami (Revi’s’
8.       Invitation: Vi Cards
Soon-to-be wedding vendor:
1.       Photography: Kicky The Glow & Co (we haven’t paid DP)
To-be-picked wedding vendor:
1.       Souvenir. Choices:
a.       Maybe Gudang Cipinang, but dont know yet. One thing for sure, not in Pasar Jatinegara. Why not? Because people says sellers at Pasar Jatinegara take souvenirs from Gudang Cipinang. So I think with the same kind of souvenir and same quality, we rather take the Gudang Cipinang for cheaper price. Cipinang is also in Jakarta Timur, not too far from home.
b.      Fine souvenir
I love fine souvenir, but it’s pricey, hiks. I think it’s worth the price because the souvenirs are really cute and come in good quality. Unfortunately, souvenir is not our priority, so we decided not to spend too much here. Fine souvenir is great but it’s out of our budget :D
c.       Chocolique
I admire Chocolique not only for they chocolate fountain, candy bar, sweet corner etc but also for their wedding souvenir such as glass/candy jar, pralines, etc. It’s cute, totally. But pralines is consumable while we want our souvenirs to be long last. Glass/candy jar is too big. Si ndut said we better pick souvenir that can be stored in our pocket. Easy to carry. But if you want to present uniqueness in your wedding, souvenirs from Chocolique is a good choice.

2.       Wedding Car
Have no idea. Si ndut will take care of this one. We plan to use  common wedding car. We also won’t spend much here. At first I think we dont need wedding car. But then my mom said, every wedding she attended use wedding car because after the wedding ceremony or reception the groom and bride will spend their time together (maybe dinner, honeymoon, or others), not going home with family. So, fine, another expenditure, remembering our family cars will be used to accommodate family :,(

3.       Clothing material  for “women among tamu” kebaya
Pasar Baru maybe. Dont know yet.

That’s all our wedding vendors so far. Review for each chosen wedding vendors in separate posts ;)
